Next Edition

NEW: WEPA 2024 will take place in Kinugawa-onsen, Nikko, Japan

Special Issue

A special issue for this edition will be published by Discrete Applied Mathematics.
More information to come.

Submission deadline: November 2, 2023.

Extended deadline: December 2, 2023

Submission of a manuscript is done on the Editorial Manager platform:
For the type of article you have to select WEPA 2022.

Aim and Scope

WEPA is an international forum for researchers in the area of design, analysis, experimental evaluation and engineering of algorithms for enumeration problems. The objective of the workshop is to gather researchers working in enumeration algorithms, including their applications in Biology, Data Mining, Logic, and Databases. The goal is to present recent results, identify and explore directions for future research, and foster collaborations.



Invited Speakers

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: September 7 2022
  • Notification: October 5 2022
  • Registration Deadline:  October 19 2022 (Registration fees 115€)
  • Conference: November 22-25


Submission will take the form of extended abstract (up to 2 pages without the references).

Submission will take place at the following page:



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